Friday, March 28, 2014

Thing 17: Coding

Okay, so I spent several hours on this Thing today.  (Personal day, hooray!)

I should say that I really understand the concept of coding because before my current career as a library media specialist, I got my Bachelors (and worked 1 1/2 years toward an MS) in Chemical Engineering.  I have done a fair amount of programming, albeit 25-35 years ago.  Back in the days of BASIC and FORTRAN.  In fact, my first computer was a Commodore VIC-20 that I spent all summer working at McDonalds to buy.  I was in the computer club in Middle School and I took programming course in HS and college.

With that said, I delved into the Hour of Code site first after watching the videos.  I earned my certificate.  :) And I would probably personally go back to do more as it is fun.

I am interested in having kids try the Hour of Code, but I will have to see what I can pull off.  I don't usually get students for an hour.  I know that they can sign in to save their progress, but our kids don't have an e-mail address until 5th grade and even then it doesn't connect to the outside world.  It is only an internal e-mail address.  I can think of a few 5th grade boys who would LOVE it, if they haven't already done it.

I did take a look at the Blockly site itself, too.  While it is doable, it doesn't lay things out in an easy to understand way like Hour of Code does.

I also read several of the Libraries & Coding posts/links.  I also animated my name.
Then, I went to Mozilla Thimble Webmaker and worked on the Keep Calm and Carry On poster.
I was disappointed that I couldn't print out my poster when I was done.  I know that there must be places where you can because people are making different posters.  (Our art teacher has Keep Calm and Crayon.)

So these coding lessons are really cool.  I will have to work to see if I can do it in school.